Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Story of the week: A Young Hero  by: Chase Turnbridge
Phonics: Xx /ks/,  Zz/z/, Jj /j/
Math: Comparing numbers
Social Studies: Citizens and their actions
HFW: away, do, was, will
Vocabulary: equal, peaceful, integrate, race, racism, judge, harm, refuse, overcome
·         We will have a CAPS (formerly known as Guidance) lesson with Mrs. Nerren on Tuesday.
·         We will have Art with Mrs. Poplin on Thursday.
·         Congratulations to Jacky Espinosa for being chosen as our Student of the month for the character word - perseverance.

Dear Parents,
            This week the children will learn about peaceful ways to solve problems through discussion and literature that introduces pioneers in America’s Civil Rights movement. This week we will:
·         Meet Martin Luther King Jr, Ruby Bridges, and Rosa Parks
·         Learn about X, Z, and J
·         Discover vowels
            We will also write about ways to welcome a new child to class. As I have mentioned before, writing is becoming very important. I urge you to practice at home. Remember that spelling is not always important, but using letters to go with the sounds appropriately is! For example, both C and K make the /k/ sound. When writing at this introductory level, either one is acceptable.  
            Stuart is participating in the Community Food Drive. We are asking families to bring in non-perishable food items to give to families in need and stock local food pantries as the holidays approach. Please be sure to not send any items that are in glass containers. Please be sure to mark the items sent in (maybe on the bag or on a note) to help me remember what it is for.
            Last week our Governor, Bill Haslam, announced that Tennessee is the fastest growing state in the country in terms of student achievement. This statement was based on scores from the NAEP test that 4th and 8th grade students from Mayfield and Cleveland Middle last year. The scores from our system and state were compared to other states. Tennessee scores showed the most growth! We jumped from a terrible national ranking of 48th in the nation to 37th! This is wonderful news. We have some really wonderful leaders in our school system and our state. We should all be proud of this achievement!

            I also heard an interesting statistic on student achievement. Student achievement is 25% IQ, 25% exposure to real-life experiences, and 50% self esteem! If this doesn’t support the idea of parents and teachers working together as personal “cheerleaders” for our students, I’m not sure what else does! Continue to encourage your child and empower them with your words of support. Tell them that “they can do it” even when you might have a hard time believing that they can. They need us to pump them full of some self-esteem to help them have high academic achievement. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Our Environment

Story of the week: Miss Rumphius  by: Barbara Cooney
Phonics: Ee /e/ Vv /v/
Math: Comparing numbers
Social Studies: Our Environment
HFW: had, have, here, help, helps
Vocabulary: conservatory, sowing, desert, satisfaction, moist, integrity, conserve, reduce, reuse, recycle
·         T-shirt Tuesday is tomorrow. We will wear our shirts at school and then I will wash them at home.
·         Wednesday, we will be having Stevie B’s pizza in the cafeteria. Plan accordingly. J
·         Please send in names, photos, and addresses of any veterans in your family.
·         Practice rainbow words on home. We have started the yellow group together!
·         Send reading group books back to school EVERY DAY.
·         Practice counting to 50!

Dear Parents,
            This week the children will learn about caring for the environment through conservation. They will discover the three Rs of conservation: reduce, reuse, and recycle. They will also meet environmentalists both real and fictional, who did their part to make the world a better place. This week we will:
·        Discuss landforms and our environment
·        Learn about E and V
·        Write about conservation
             Writing has begun to play a much bigger role in class. As you practice rainbow words at home, I encourage you to have your child write them. You may also have them write a sentence to describe a picture they may draw for you. Encourage them to segment, or break apart, the sounds in each word and use a letter for that sound. They will need to use “kid writing” and use their best guess for a sound. Let them spell the words wrong if they are spelling the words correctly according to the sounds (phonetically). After they are finished writing, go back with “adult writing” to put the appropriate spelling. Be sure to never write over their words. Write above, below, or beside their writing. Writing is so important and your Kindergartener needs lots of extra support from you to master this skill this year.
            We will be celebrating our veterans on Friday. We will draw pictures, write “thank you” notes, and learn about the branches of our military. We will do this on Friday to ensure that mail is delivered to these individuals by Monday or Tuesday next week. If you have a veteran in your family, please send their name and address (or a surviving family member’s address) and possibly a picture of them. I would prefer photos to be emailed if possible. Thank you for your help! I am excited to celebrate the service men and women from your families.
            I am looking for some bubble wrap to do a craft. If you have any of the small bubbled bubble wrap on hand, I would love to have it! 


Monday, October 28, 2013

Story of the week: America the Beautiful by Starfall.com
Phonics: Hh /h/, Ww /w/
Math: numbers and counting
Social Studies: Government and Elections
Science: Precipitation
HFW: as, has, want
Vocabulary: grain, mountain, plain, everglades, beach, sea, evaporation, condensation, precipitation
·         Please be reminded that we will be having our special Halloween Snack on Thursday. Here is a list of who signed up things to bring. We have 18 students in our class
·         Naneka Walker: Halloween napkins
·         Bethany Eledge: Orange plates
·         Tammi Dotson: orange drink boxes
·         Windy Prasinos: apple slices
·         Brandy Watson: Cheetos
·         Mrs. Avirett: Caramel dip
·         Remember, Halloween IS a school night. Try to get to bed at a decent hour.
Dear Parents,
            This week the children will learn about some of our national symbols through story and song. They will also discover some of our country’s landforms and view them through the eyes of water droplets, in a fictional class story which they will help write. This week we will:
·        Introduce the water cycle and conduct several experiments
·        Learn about Hh /h/ and Ww /w/
·        Discover the environment.
We will also be reading a “prebus” book about the library. I encourage you to start conversations about the library at home or even take a visit to our own public library!
            Please start working on shoe tying at home. We have one child in our class who already knows how to tie shoes! They have earned the right to have their name on a shoe on my wall to let everyone know their abilities. Work on this skill at home as I “forget” how to tie after Christmas and will not tie shoes! Also, please send a jacket to school with your child as it is getting colder. My winter recess policy is that we will go outside unless it is colder than 45 degrees. Please be sure that your child can zip or button their own jacket as well! These are important life skills and I hate to take 10 minutes of our recess time daily to zip coats.
            Also, cold and flu season is upon us. Many times, a cold, the flu or even allergies can bring distractions to the class. A good rule of thumb is that if you are having to tend to your child regularly, then I would have to do the same if your child was at school. Please be considerate of others in the class by keeping germs at home. Even if your student suffers from allergies, a day of rest can be beneficial. If a cough is a distraction to your student and the class, you will be asked to send in a doctor’s note saying that your child is healthy enough to attend school. The best policy during this season for your child’s first year in school is to be PROACTIVE. Be sure that your student gets plenty of sleep and vitamins! J

Monday, October 14, 2013

Week 8: The Ox-Cart Man

Story of the week: Ox-Cart Man by Donald Hall
Phonics: Ii /i/, Gg/g/
Math: numbers and counting
Social Studies: Community
HFW: big, little, it, in, go
Star words: shawl, embroidery, shear
·   Tomorrow is t-shirt Tuesday. Wear a Stuart t-shirt if you have one.
·   Congratulations to our student of the month for the character word, Responsibility: Hayden Sheble. Hayden is very responsible to always finish his work and clean his work area.
·   Chick-Fil-A spirit night on Thursday from 4-8
·   Report cards will go home on Thursday.
·   FIELD TRIP ON THURSDAY to the Apple Valley Farm. Wear a green shirt.
·   We will be collecting box tops for education all year long. Send them in whenever they start piling up to earn points for our class.
·   Its never too late to sign up for Remind101 texts. Sign up by texting “@mrsavi” to (442)222-3801.

Dear Parents,
            I hope everyone had a nice fall break. This week the children continue their study of the community and community helpers as they compare those of long ago with those of today. They discover how inventors like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison helped make community living easier with their numerous inventions. This week we will:
·         Learn about homonyms
·         Practice letters I and G
·         Learn about tall, small, and tail letters
We will also be reading a “prebus” book (books with sight words and illustrations for words that children do not know) about the post office. I encourage you to start conversations about community helpers at home as you visit various places around town.
            Today, we learned about Christopher Columbus and his discovery of the new world. We talked about his journey, his ships, and his discovery.
            In math we are continuing our learning about numbers. Due to the new Common Core State Standards, we will have plenty of time to go to great depths with our understanding. We will be naming, identifying, counting, creating, and manipulating numbers as we build understanding of what they are and what they stand for. Keep counting at home!!! We will also begin an in-depth study of 2-D and 3-D shapes.
            Our class has had a 10 gallon fish tank donated. I would love to have it up and running, but we do not have a few key items to get it started. We will need a filter and hood to put on top of it along with rocks, fake plants, and FISH. If you would like to send in a gift card to PetsMart, it would be greatly appreciated!
            Our field trip is Thursday and we do not have our class shirts in yet. To help us keep an eye on our class, please have your child wear a green shirt to school. Be sure to dress for the weather and wear good walking shoes.

            I have recently learned about an excellent channel on you tube! Its the HaveFunTeaching channel. The videos on this channel are educational and fun. We have been watching the “counting by ones video” A LOT! This will be great practice for our counting to 50 by ones skill to be tested at the end of this nine weeks.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Story of the week: Me On the Map by Joan Sweeney
Phonics: Uu /u/, Nn/n/
Math: numbers  1-10, counting to 20
Social Studies: Our Community
HFW: but, us, up, not, on down
·         Fall Festival is on Friday night! Please plan to be there from 6-8
·         Our first field trip is October 17th to the Apple Valley Farm.  
·         Scholastic orders are due October 4th.

Dear Parents,
            This week we will wrap up our study on family and move our focus to our community. We will learn how Cleveland relates to our state and country. We will learn about the mayor, governor, and president. We will also learn about community helpers and we will discuss how they, too, are called to be good citizens. This week we will:
·        Discover how to be good citizens
·        Learn about Uu /u/ and Nn /n/
·        Learn about maps
·        Use the “Author’s Chair” for the first time.
             In Math, we will continue to learn our numbers and begin assessments for our first report card. Practice numbers at home as well at shapes. The new Common Core Standards are much more in-depth than the learning standards in years past. For assessment, students must be able to draw, create, describe, and relate information about shapes. If they can’t tell me what the shapes are, they will have a hard time doing all of the tasks they are to perform. Practice at home!
            Please be diligent to go over your child’s work from school with them. Be sure to point out what they are doing well. Have (pleasant) conversations about how they could do better. If you see that they are using capitol letters in the middle of their name, talk them through it and practice. We do all of these things at school, but they mean so much more from you at home. This will provide a time for you to show them your support and give them a little one-on-one time. It is easier to be pro-active than re-active. Thank you for your help at home.
I have sent home a Scholastic order and our field trip form. Please know that we will not be able to go on the field trip if we do not receive enough donations. Please do your part and scrape together $6 to pay for your child’s admission to the wonderful tour we will have at the Apple Valley Farm. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Week 6: Our Families

Story of the week: Ira Sleeps Over by Bernard Waber
Phonics: Rr /r/, Ll /l/
Math: numbers  1-5
Social Studies: Our Families
HFW: and, are, like, likes
·         Open house is tomorrow night from 6-7.
·         Wednesday is picture day!
·         Progress reports will go home on Thursday.
·         Chick-Fil-A spirit night is Thursday from 4-8
·         Monday is Stuffed Animal day. Bring a stuffed animal to school.
·         Save the Date! Our first field trip is October 17th to the Apple Valley Farm.  More information to come.

Dear Parents,
            This week we will wrap up our study of colors and start talking about families. We will discuss different types of families, both real and “make believe.” Through a variety of stories, they will discover ways in which family members live together peacefully and show they care for each other. This week we will:
·         Introduce folk tales and story elements
·         Learn about Rr/r/ and Ll/l/
·         Discover we have different voices: conversation voices and presentation voices.
·         Practice counting words in sentences.
             In Math, we will continue to learn our numbers and begin assessments for our first report card. Practice numbers at home as well at shapes. The new Common Core Standards are much more in-depth than the learning standards in years past. For assessment, students must be able count to 20 by ones, write numbers 0-5, count to answer how many, describe measureable attributes, and sort objects into given categories. A full list of all the standards to be tested are on the back of this page.
            Today was cap day and only three of my students wore caps! I failed to send home a reminder note on Friday, but it was in the newsletter last week. I also sent out a text reminder this morning at 6:15 via Remind101. I try not to send home reminder notes often as this wastes paper and copies. It is never too late to sign up for text reminders if your cell phone can text. Please text @mrsavi to (442) 222-3801. You will receive text reminders from me as needed. I promise not to send you any unnecessary information. We do not have much homework in Kindergarten for the kids, but consider keeping up with the newsletter part of your homework.
Monday is Stuffed animal day! We will be using the stuffed animals to talk about presentation voices, writing about the animals and learning about animals. If you forget, do not worry, I have a few stuffed animals on hand.

             Please stay on top of rainbow words, some kiddos are starting to fall behind! I hope to see you at school tomorrow night for open house!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Story of the week: Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
Phonics: Ss /s/, Mm /m/
Math: Measurement
Science: Weather and Seasons
Social Studies: Benjamin Franklin


·         Health screenings will be on Thursday morning. Please be sure your child arrives to school on time.
·         Send in your snack contributions
·         Happy Birthday to Hayden on Friday!

Dear Parents,
            We are moving right along as we enter September. This week our focus is on the Weather and Seasons. Students will become familiar with different types of weather and seasonal changers through books, poems, songs and American Sign Language. Backpack Bear shares his favorite books about rainbows. This week we will:
·         Learn and practice Mm /m/ and Ss /s/
·         Discuss cause and effect
·         Learn about inventive spelling (kidwriting)
·         Get to know Benjamin Franklin
             In Math, we will continue our study of measurement. We will begin learning numbers and shapes next week. Kindergarten has changed A LOT since you may have attended. Kindergarten students are now responsible to know the following shapes, the number of sides they have, and be able to describe their special attributes: Circle, triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon, and trapezoid. PLEASE be sure that if you are talking about HEXAGONS at home that you are showing them hexagons and not octagons! We don’t learn about octagons this year. J After we master 2-D shapes we will move on to 3-D shapes (sphere, cone, cube, cylinder).
            We have finished learning our purple words as a group. I will be giving assessments this week. If your child can quickly identify our words, they will receive a purple rain drop under their cloud on our bulletin board and a certificate sent home.  Please practice with the cards that I sent home at the beginning of the year. If your student does not show mastery of these words, a progress report will be sent home identifying the words that they struggled with. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!

            Today we practiced our lock down drill. We talked about what it would be like if a dangerous person was in our school. We went through our school procedures we have in place in case of this type of emergency. It might be good to have a conversation with your little one about dangerous individuals and how to avoid them. We will cover this topic again in a future guidance lesson. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Story of the week: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom By Bill Martin Jr.
Today is Monday by Eric Carle
Phonics: Tt /t/, Pp/p/
HFW: the, an, at
Math: measurement
Social Studies: Days of the week
·         We will have our first “guidance” lesson on Tuesday
·         Please tie shoes in a double knot before your child comes to school
·         Reading groups start on Wednesday
·         Friday is our school RED day. Dress in all red!
·         Please practice fine motor skills at home such as name writing and using scissors
Dear Parents,
                 I have heard rave reviews from the students about Ms. Jane, our substitute who was here on Friday. I was so happy to be greeted with smiling faces and hugs this morning. Ms. Jane even had the kids make cards for Mr. Avirett to help him recover from his surgery.
                This week we will learn about the calendar and days of the week through books, songs, and rhymes. We will become familiar with the signs for the days of the week using Amercian Sign Language. On Friday we will have a school-wide “red” day. Students and teachers are encouraged to wear red. This week we will:
·         Learn about Tt /t/ and Pp /p/
·         Use our Starfall writing journals
·         Learn high-frequency words the, an, at
You might have noticed that we will be learning two letters this week. The pace has picked up now that we have started becoming more set in our routines at school. We will continue to learn two letters per week until the end of the semester. Please practice our letters at home as well. We practice A LOT here at school, but please work with your child at home to be sure that it “sticks” even at home.
Please practice writing names at home. While many students can copy their name, have your child do it without looking. Encourage proper pencil grip and letter formation.  
In math we have wrapped up sorting and have begun measureable attributes. We will compare and order by size, compare and order by length, and measure objects with non-standard units of measure such as counting cubes or paper clips. Measure, compare, and order things at home too! Silverware, clothes, books, dishes, bottles, ANYTHING can be compared and ordered by size and length.

We will be starting our reading groups on Wednesday. Reading groups are small groups of students who work with a trained adult on specific reading skills. Students are grouped by their ability and current level of knowledge. Grouping is flexible and can change as students make progress. Some groups will be hosted in our room and others in the auditorium. For the first several weeks we will be working on letter recognition doing 5 letters per week. After the group has reached a certain level of mastery, leveled books will be sent home. The homework for EVERY night is to read the book three times. You know how to read. Let your student do the reading with some support from you. They will have read the book two times by the time it comes home and they should be challenged to read it on their own. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Week 2: Learning About Rules

Story of the week: I Am Your Flag and Backpack Bear Learns the Rules
Phonics: Aa /a/
Math: position words and sorting
High-Frequency words: is, for, a, A

·         Practice our high-frequency words at home.
·         Please turn in any missing paperwork
·         Be sure shoes are tied in a double knot before you send your child to school.
·         Thank you for the wonderful snacks! Keep them coming!
·         Your student will have their very first substitute teacher on Friday, Ms. Jane Dansen.

Dear Parents,
                This week we will reinforce our learning about the rules. The students will learn about various types of rules that keep them safe and happy: classroom rules, computer rules, traffic rules. Backpack Bear will share his story of how he learned the rules. This week we will:
·         Learn about Aa and its short sound /a/
·         Discuss how rules keep us safe
·         Use our Starfall dictionaries
·         Learn about the computer.
In math, we will finish up our positional words and start learning how to sort in various ways. We will learn about sorting, sorting by color, sorting by size, and sorting by alike and different. A great way to reinforce our learning about sorting at home is to talk about things that you sort on a daily basis. Some examples can include laundry laundry by color and family member, sorting groceries by refrigerated and non-refrigerated items, sorting groceries from household items like soap, sorting meals by time of day. Sorting is something we do all the time. Include your student in these every day activities and talk about how and why you sort things the way you do. After they really grasp the concept, you will have an even better helper around the house. They DO love having jobs.
                The gym teachers and I noticed something this morning. I had about six students with shoes that were not tied! Please be sure that your child’s shoes are tied in a DOUBLE KNOT before they come to school. I know that kids like to play with/chew on their shoe laces (which is extremely unsanitary and I will do everything in my power to get them to stop) and shoes could have come untied since they have been at school. I love your children dearly already, but one thing I hate doing is tying shoes. First of all, shoelaces really gross me out. Secondly, tying shoes eats away at my precious instructional time. I DO tie shoes, but not the whole year. I will tie shoes until Christmas break. After December I stop tying shoes. Please understand that if your child’s shoe comes untied during the course of the day, it will be taken care of in some fashion. Shoe tying is one of those life skills that I do not explicitly teach but every child will need to learn this year. To help students feel motivated to learn to tie shoes I do two things. First, they will have a shoe with their name on it posted on the wall. This marks a milestone in our room. Secondly, I reward Class Dojo points to those who can tie shoes for others. This is a very sweet thing to do for a friend and I want to reward that courteous behavior. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Week 1

Stories of the week: Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? By Bill Martin Jr.  
The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn
Phonics: Bb /b/
Math: Position words
High-Frequency words: see, me
·         Please turn in any missing paperwork
·         Don’t wait to sign up for text reminders via Remind101. Text “@mrsavi” to 442-222-3801
·         Pay your materials fee if you have not already done so
·         Please write your child’s name on any notes sent to school!

Dear Parents,
            We have been off to a full start this year. These newsletters usually go home on MONDAYS!
            Welcome to school! Children will spend this week getting oriented to classroom routines, schedules, and most importantly, each other! Children will help Backpack Bear (our class mascot) overcome anxieties in the first week of school. This week we will:
·        Learn about the alphabet
·        Learn about Bb /b/
·        Identify rhyming words
            In math, we will be talking about our position words. We are learning to use words to describe where an object is. We will learn: inside, outside, under, over, on, above, below,  top, middle, bottom, in front of, and behind. Try to use these words at home to help them continue learning at home in a real-life context.
            I knew I forgot to talk about something at the parent meeting! SNACK! We eat snack as a class. I keep track of who brings in snack for us, and I will let you know if you need a turn when we start running low. Please bring in enough snacks for 18. We DO have an allergy in our class. Please refrain from sending in any snacks have for MAY HAVE peanuts, ANY nuts, or shellfish. I’m not as worried about the shellfish, but at least you know. If your child brings lunch from home and eats products with nuts, they will simply sit at a different table from our student with allergies. We have signs on the table to help them differentiate. We WILL be washing hands after lunch. I will be sending home a list of safe snack ideas very soon.
            I know that Kindergarten is a huge milestone both for you and your student. Everyone did a great job to let their student walk into class alone. They know where the classroom is and it is important for them to walk in by themselves. You are wonderful!

Have a great rest of the week!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Story of the week:  Amazing Airplanes by Tony Mitton
Phonics: short-e, ch /ch/
Math: report card review
HFW: look, from, find
Vocabulary:  gem, self-portrait, locate, sketch, terminal, fare, luggage, hold, captain, copilot, runway, intercom, journey, control tower, soar, crew
Science: Aquarium prep, flight

·         Our field trip to the Aquarium is on Friday. The verdict on meeting the cost is still out at the moment. I will keep you updated.
·         Chick-Fil-A spirit night is Thursday.
·         Be sure to turn in progress reports as soon as possible.
·         Happy Birthday to Heidi who has a birthday on Sunday!

Dear Parents,
            This week the children will prep for our trip to the Aquarium! We will finish our study of birds and start our unit on flight. We will learn about the Wright Brothers and Vincent van Gogh! Starfall is so wonderful!
            Thank you for all of the wonderful gifts and treats that were brought for our Valentine’s party. I know the students had a great time. I hope they had fun at home reading their cards from their friends. Thank you for your help with those. I know they are a huge undertaking, but they are worth it in the end.
            Our field trip to the Aquarium is FRIDAY! I am happy to say that if it were just our class going on the field trip, the cost would be covered. Thank you for doing everything you could to make this trip happen. We have plenty of chaperones too! I will be sending out chaperone information to my chaperones. Keep an eye out for that pertinent information. We will be wearing our class t-shirts that the school purchased for us. I will simply have each child put the shirt on over their clothes. This will be a great way to quickly and visually identify who belongs in our group. At the end of the day, I will take the shirts back and wash them. We will not be returning to school until 1:30. We will be eating two snacks while we are gone and eating lunch upon our arrival to school. PLEASE BE SURE YOUR CHILD EATS BREAKFAST! Please also send your child in comfortable walking shoes as there is a lot of distance to cover in both buildings. It is supposed to rain on Friday, but please refrain from rain boots as they are not the best walking shoes. It would be wonderful if you could also ensure a good night’s rest on Thursday evening as this trip wears EVERYONE out. This trip might just be my favorite day of the year. I am so excited! It is such a treat!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Week 17 - More About Mammals, The Turnip, 100th day

Story of the week: The Turnip
 Phonics: short-a,
Math: counting to 100, comparing numbers
HFW: all, some
Vocabulary:  cooperation, enormous
Science: more about mammals

·         The 100th day is Wednesday! Bring in collections if you have not already.
·         Our Book Fair is going on this week! Crazy hair day is Wednesday. Please be sure to send money for shopping in a bag or envelope that has already been counted out.
·         We have Art with Mrs. Buffington today.
·         On Thursday we will have a special visitor, Indy. Please let me know if there are any dog allergies.
·         Our field trip to the Aquarium will be February 22nd.

Dear Parents,
                This week the students will continue their study of mammals as they review how to tell the difference between living and nonliving things, and how to compare and contrast plants and animals. This week we will:
·         Write a group story
·         Make Backpack Bear puppets
·         Review cause and effect and folk tales
·         Learn about the forces of push and pull.
Nurse Eskew just got a new puppy. She would like to both socialize her new dog and aid in our learning about mammals. On Thursday, she will be bringing sweet Indy to school and each Kindergarten class will have a chance to spend some time with him. If you do not want your child to participate due to allergies, please let me know and I can make arrangements for them to go to another class while we learn about a real live mammal. We will also be taking the entire day on Wednesday to celebrate our 100th day of school! Look out for some fun projects to come home this week.
                It has been brought to my attention that the attendance for our class needs to be addressed. Our class specifically has an excess of tardiness! I think I have an idea about what the problem may be. Since we tightened security, students are only allowed to be dropped off at the front door and the rear 4th/5th door. Students are having to walk farther down the hallway and are not making it to my room before the bell rings. A good rule of thumb on tardiness should be that your student should have their hiney in their seat ready to go for the day at 8:30. Let’s start aiming closer to 8:15 for the arrival of our students. This way, they will have a moment to unpack their bag, use the restroom, and get settled for the day before 8:30. I have also seen a trend in many students forgetting their bags and reading books. Please make every effort to ensure consistency in your morning routine to be sure that all students are arriving prepared for school.
                On Thursdays Ms. Beard spends the afternoon in the computer lab for students to use a math program for extra practice. Other teachers man the lab on other days, but Ms. Beard wanted all of us to communicate that she is willing and open to have more Kindergarten students join her until 4:30 in the computer lab on Thursdays.
                Our book fair is happening in the auditorium this week! Be sure to come visit if you can. It will be open until 4:30 each day after school. Crazy hair day is Wednesday. Please be sure to send money for shopping in a baggie or envelope that has already been counted out and the amount labeled. Family Night is on Tuesday. Be sure to swing by!