Monday, September 23, 2013

Story of the week: Me On the Map by Joan Sweeney
Phonics: Uu /u/, Nn/n/
Math: numbers  1-10, counting to 20
Social Studies: Our Community
HFW: but, us, up, not, on down
·         Fall Festival is on Friday night! Please plan to be there from 6-8
·         Our first field trip is October 17th to the Apple Valley Farm.  
·         Scholastic orders are due October 4th.

Dear Parents,
            This week we will wrap up our study on family and move our focus to our community. We will learn how Cleveland relates to our state and country. We will learn about the mayor, governor, and president. We will also learn about community helpers and we will discuss how they, too, are called to be good citizens. This week we will:
·        Discover how to be good citizens
·        Learn about Uu /u/ and Nn /n/
·        Learn about maps
·        Use the “Author’s Chair” for the first time.
             In Math, we will continue to learn our numbers and begin assessments for our first report card. Practice numbers at home as well at shapes. The new Common Core Standards are much more in-depth than the learning standards in years past. For assessment, students must be able to draw, create, describe, and relate information about shapes. If they can’t tell me what the shapes are, they will have a hard time doing all of the tasks they are to perform. Practice at home!
            Please be diligent to go over your child’s work from school with them. Be sure to point out what they are doing well. Have (pleasant) conversations about how they could do better. If you see that they are using capitol letters in the middle of their name, talk them through it and practice. We do all of these things at school, but they mean so much more from you at home. This will provide a time for you to show them your support and give them a little one-on-one time. It is easier to be pro-active than re-active. Thank you for your help at home.
I have sent home a Scholastic order and our field trip form. Please know that we will not be able to go on the field trip if we do not receive enough donations. Please do your part and scrape together $6 to pay for your child’s admission to the wonderful tour we will have at the Apple Valley Farm. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Week 6: Our Families

Story of the week: Ira Sleeps Over by Bernard Waber
Phonics: Rr /r/, Ll /l/
Math: numbers  1-5
Social Studies: Our Families
HFW: and, are, like, likes
·         Open house is tomorrow night from 6-7.
·         Wednesday is picture day!
·         Progress reports will go home on Thursday.
·         Chick-Fil-A spirit night is Thursday from 4-8
·         Monday is Stuffed Animal day. Bring a stuffed animal to school.
·         Save the Date! Our first field trip is October 17th to the Apple Valley Farm.  More information to come.

Dear Parents,
            This week we will wrap up our study of colors and start talking about families. We will discuss different types of families, both real and “make believe.” Through a variety of stories, they will discover ways in which family members live together peacefully and show they care for each other. This week we will:
·         Introduce folk tales and story elements
·         Learn about Rr/r/ and Ll/l/
·         Discover we have different voices: conversation voices and presentation voices.
·         Practice counting words in sentences.
             In Math, we will continue to learn our numbers and begin assessments for our first report card. Practice numbers at home as well at shapes. The new Common Core Standards are much more in-depth than the learning standards in years past. For assessment, students must be able count to 20 by ones, write numbers 0-5, count to answer how many, describe measureable attributes, and sort objects into given categories. A full list of all the standards to be tested are on the back of this page.
            Today was cap day and only three of my students wore caps! I failed to send home a reminder note on Friday, but it was in the newsletter last week. I also sent out a text reminder this morning at 6:15 via Remind101. I try not to send home reminder notes often as this wastes paper and copies. It is never too late to sign up for text reminders if your cell phone can text. Please text @mrsavi to (442) 222-3801. You will receive text reminders from me as needed. I promise not to send you any unnecessary information. We do not have much homework in Kindergarten for the kids, but consider keeping up with the newsletter part of your homework.
Monday is Stuffed animal day! We will be using the stuffed animals to talk about presentation voices, writing about the animals and learning about animals. If you forget, do not worry, I have a few stuffed animals on hand.

             Please stay on top of rainbow words, some kiddos are starting to fall behind! I hope to see you at school tomorrow night for open house!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Story of the week: Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
Phonics: Ss /s/, Mm /m/
Math: Measurement
Science: Weather and Seasons
Social Studies: Benjamin Franklin


·         Health screenings will be on Thursday morning. Please be sure your child arrives to school on time.
·         Send in your snack contributions
·         Happy Birthday to Hayden on Friday!

Dear Parents,
            We are moving right along as we enter September. This week our focus is on the Weather and Seasons. Students will become familiar with different types of weather and seasonal changers through books, poems, songs and American Sign Language. Backpack Bear shares his favorite books about rainbows. This week we will:
·         Learn and practice Mm /m/ and Ss /s/
·         Discuss cause and effect
·         Learn about inventive spelling (kidwriting)
·         Get to know Benjamin Franklin
             In Math, we will continue our study of measurement. We will begin learning numbers and shapes next week. Kindergarten has changed A LOT since you may have attended. Kindergarten students are now responsible to know the following shapes, the number of sides they have, and be able to describe their special attributes: Circle, triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon, and trapezoid. PLEASE be sure that if you are talking about HEXAGONS at home that you are showing them hexagons and not octagons! We don’t learn about octagons this year. J After we master 2-D shapes we will move on to 3-D shapes (sphere, cone, cube, cylinder).
            We have finished learning our purple words as a group. I will be giving assessments this week. If your child can quickly identify our words, they will receive a purple rain drop under their cloud on our bulletin board and a certificate sent home.  Please practice with the cards that I sent home at the beginning of the year. If your student does not show mastery of these words, a progress report will be sent home identifying the words that they struggled with. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!

            Today we practiced our lock down drill. We talked about what it would be like if a dangerous person was in our school. We went through our school procedures we have in place in case of this type of emergency. It might be good to have a conversation with your little one about dangerous individuals and how to avoid them. We will cover this topic again in a future guidance lesson.