Monday, August 22, 2011

Week 2, Plaidypus Lost

Story of the week: Plaidypus Lost by Janet Stevens

Poem: One Little Fish

Phonics: Identifying O-S

Math: Position words

Science: Animals


·         Please turn in any missing paperwork
·         Practice poems at home
·         Look at the “Home Connection” section on daily Math exercise
·         Practice writing names at home
·         Fend off lice at home by following the tips I gave last week.

Dear Parents,

            Thank you for all of your hard work at home! I can absolutely tell you are working at home! Last week, we had everyone say their poem here at school. Thank you for practicing those at home. Your diligence is sure to pay off!
            We are continuing to practice writing names. Give your child a piece of paper and have them write their name. Watch them as they form the letters. Give them any pointers that you can to help them with their neatness. Watch out for capital letters in the middle of a name. It is also important to help them understand that some letters go below the line they are writing on (like j,p,g etc.).I re-write names on papers as I check over them to help your student see the proper way to write their name. We talk about these things all day long at school. Any reinforcement at home is always beneficial.
            In Math we have started our second topic. We are learning to describe objects (and we are learning what an object is too J ) and their position in relation to other things. This is the meaty, academic part of Kindergarten that I have warned you about. Your student will need extra help with “left” and “right.”  I believe that the rest of the words (over, under, on, above, below, inside, outside, etc) will come naturally with practice. It should be very easy to incorporate our new Math words at home. Math is proving to be a very challenging part of the day given our schedule. In math especially, we have to work very hard to help the students grasp everything that is talked about in class.
            On Friday, I sent home a notice that there had been a case of lice in our classroom. Luckily, the lice have not spread to any other students. We can keep the pests contained and managed by following those tried and true tips.
·         Use a hot hair dryer on hair at least once a week
·         Maybe wash hair every other day since they like CLEAN hair
·         Wear hair up and away from the face and shoulders
·         Spray any “fly-aways” with hairspray
·         Put essential oils of lavender and eucalyptus on nape of neck and behind ears.
Thank you again for all of the snacks and wish list items that you have sent in! You have been such a great help so far. I am so lucky to have a group of parents who are so willing to help. Have a great week!

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