Story of the week: Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? By Bill Martin Jr.
Phonics: Bb /b/
Math: Position words
High-Frequency words: see, me
· Please turn in any missing paperwork
· I am in need of some headphone splitters so that more than one student can use our computers at a time. I will need 3 of them.
· Alphabet books will start next week, so keep an eye out for those.
· Thank you for the wonderful snacks! Keep them coming!
Dear Parents,
We have been off to a full start this year. These newsletters usually go home on MONDAYS! Let’s just say, I have had my hands full! We will be hiring our 4th teacher on Monday if all goes as planned. Mr. Stephens will be conducting interviews tomorrow! We will do our best to be sure that it is a smooth transition when it does happen. As I have said before, we work as a team in Kindergarten so our new teacher will not be left in the dark to fend for herself!
In the mean time, we have started learning how to read! We have read the Kissing Hand and Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? many times since we have started school. We have also started discussing the alphabet, Bb, and high-frequency words. HFW are words that students should be able to “read” as soon as they see them, or sight words.
In math, we have been talking about our position words. We are learning to use words to describe where an object is. So far, we have learned: inside, outside, under, over, on, top, middle, and bottom. Try to use these words at home to help them continue learning at home in a real-life context.
There are a few housekeeping items I would like to address. Please avoid interrupting our class time by coming into the classroom during the last few minutes of school. It is quite a challenge to juggle all of the students and sending them to the correct places. On that note, please talk about your child’s dismissal procedures at home. We have had many car riders attempt to try out the busses. I have explained this many times to the class, but they may need some outside encouragement on this.
I know that Kindergarten is a huge milestone both for you and your student. Please let your student walk into class alone. They know where the classroom is and it is important for them to walk in by themselves. Please encourage older siblings to meet Kindergarten students at their appropriate places for dismissal as well.
Please note the schedule change on the back of this letter. We are still trying to figure out what will make our day move smoothly and still participate in everything Mr. Stephens has scheduled us for.
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