Monday, August 27, 2012

Week 2

Story of the week: I Am Your Flag

Phonics: Aa /a/
Math: Shapes and Geometry
High-Frequency words: is, for


·         Please turn in any missing paperwork
·         I am in need of some headphone splitters so that more than one student can use our computers at a time. I will need 3 of them.
·         Thank you for the wonderful snacks! Keep them coming!
·         Let your student enter and leave school INDEPENDENTLY!

Dear Parents,
            We have our fourth Kindergarten teacher! Students met her today and will be in her class full time tomorrow. Mrs. Natalie Killian is a Cleveland native. She is very excited about working with us in Kindergarten and we are so happy that she is finally here!
            This week in reading we will be covering a few topics. At this point in the school year we are still setting up routines and understanding how and why we do certain things at school. We will be matching the letter A with its sound. We will further discuss the rules and how they keep us safe through a book that we access online through This story is called, Backpack Bear Learns the Rules. We will also learn about dictionaries. Each child will have and keep a dictionary to maintain as we learn our high-frequency words. Students can use these to help them with their writing. We have started learning about the parts of a computer. Each child will receive a small paper book to read and will get to keep it when we are finished with the story. In addition to all of these things, we will learn more about our American flag and what it stands for. Alphabet books are not ready and will go home whenever they are! Sorry for the delay!
            In math, we have moved on to the next topic, Shapes! Please review the paper introducing our new topic and consider completing some of the activities at home. Any time you have a chance to extend your child’s learning at home, take advantage of it!
            On a different note, it has been brought to my attention that some of our students are taking part in the Free/Reduced Lunch program. Please understand that this program is highly confidential. I do not know who is part of this program and who is not. If I send home notes requesting money and you are a part of this program, please do not be offended. I must ask EVERYONE for money. If I only asked those who did not qualify for the program, it would be reverse discrimination. To avoid this, I treat everyone equally. If you are unable to pay for something, please send me a note or email letting me know. My intention is never to “hound” you for money. On the same note, our snack system is NOT a part of the Nutrition Program. If you want your child to participate in snack, you must send in a snack for the class and do your part.

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