Story of the week: If You Could Go to Antarctica
Poem: The Jolly Snowman
Phonics: Ee /e/
Math: Measurement
Rainbow words: do, go, good
Report Card Corner
We practiced writing the alphabet in order this morning. OUCH! This skill needs lots of work. For the upcoming report card, your child will have to write the alphabet in both capital and lowercase letters in order without the use of a model! I encourage you to practice this at home.
Does your child recognize that a calendar measures time? They should. BUT it might be a good idea to talk about calendars at home. Ask them what they know about the calendar. Talk about the calendar every day. This reinforces counting!
Dear Parents,
This is the second week of Miss Norris’s student teaching. I will be attending a writing conference in Nashville on Thursday, our 100th day. I am sad to miss it, but I know the students will be left in good hands to celebrate the day.
Please forgive my mistake in the behavior chart. It said that there would not be any school today! Oops. I’m not exactly sure how that one happened, but even after double checking I still got that one wrong. If there is ever any doubt about the calendar, please refer to the school calendar that is posted both online and in the calendar that your family received from the school system at the beginning of the year.
This week, the PTO is collecting spare change for the book fair. My class highly benefitted from this fundraiser last year because I was crowned the PENNY QUEEN. My class raised the most money and each child was able to go home with a book of their own on that Friday! I would love for that to happen again so please send in your money, I am NOT ready to relinquish my crown!
If there is an extra field trip permission form or School Books Press permission form, it means that I do not have one from you! Please be reminded that I must have these forms soon! The field trip form is due on Friday and the School Books form is due ASAP. Please take the time to fill these forms out tonight.
It is one of the requirements of my job that I reach the needs of each student. This means that I need to meet them at their own level to help them excel in skills that they already know, and help them to reach skills they have not mastered. Your student already receives reading instruction at their level in our small reading groups. Our reading program is fabulous and this is built into our schedule. The math program does not have this feature built in (yet). I am starting small math groups during our math time to meet the needs of each student. We might have to move many cards during this process as I train our Kindergarteners to follow procedures and expectations. Each child will spend time with the whole group learning and 10-15 minutes in four stations. The stations include, small group math instruction at their level, independent work completed at their desk, playing a math game on the carpet/computer, and working with Ms. Pat on other math skills that might need extra practice and reinforcement. I am very excited to start this next week!