Story of the week: One Little Mouse
Poem: Snowflakes
Phonics: Consonant blends ch, sh, th, etc.
Math: Measurement
Rainbow words: as, be, can
Report Card Corner
We are working on skip counting. We have songs for counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s. This skill will be tested on our next report card. Ask your child to sing the songs for you. I will send home a 100 chart for practice.
Rainbow words are EXTREMELY important. Together they are a list of the 100 most common words in reading. As your child begins to read more and more, these familiar words will help them soar through the reading levels. Who wouldn’t want that for their child. I beg of you to practice these words at home.
Dear Parents,
For the first six weeks of this semester we have a student teacher from Lee University. Lee’s program is stellar and produces quality teachers, many of whom teach in our school. (Except for me, GO VOLS!) Our student teacher is Miss Whitney Norris. She has already started teaching a few lessons such as morning board and handwriting. Next week, she will begin teaching all day while I stand on the sidelines and guide her along. It has been fun to get to know her so far and I know she will do a great job. She is fantastic! The kids already love her. I know we will all hate to say goodbye in February.
Speaking of February, we have quite a few events coming up. Our closest event is our field trip to the Tennessee Aquarium! We will be reading Life in an Ocean, and If I Could Go to Antarctica. We will create quite a bit of buzz about aquatic life to be sure we are ready to take it all in. We will be going on Friday, February 10th. Because we receive Federal funding due to our Title I status, we are able to set aside some money to aid in the payment for field trips. The Kindergarten team saved our money to go on this field trip. The donation is only $5.50 per child! The usual admission charge is over $20! Chaperones will pay $9.85 (another excellent deal!). Chaperone spots are limited. We will only be accepting 6 spots for our class. These spots will be available on a first come, first served basis.
Stuart School has excellent resources within its community. Stuart has been given the chance to participate in a pilot program with School Books Press with our very own Tullock family. Our class will be participating in the project to write a story together and then have it PUBLISHED. (If you haven’t already thought about college, this is an incredible resume builder J). The books will be published and given to each student for free! If parents or loved ones are interested in purchasing the book, they will be available for purchase via Ingram Books, Amazon, and other ebook formats. (You could put it on a Kindle or iPad!) I am very excited about this opportunity to encourage writing in our class. I will send home more information and release forms later this week.
Shoe lace club has five members so far! Keep practicing at home!
Grace Avirett
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