Thursday, January 12, 2012

from week 6 to week 19.... oops!

Story of the week: My Lucky Day
Poem: Winter
Phonics: Ll /l/
Math: Fractions and Ordinals
Rainbow words:  yellow, dog, home

Report Card Corner
Today, report cards go home! I love being able to see each child grow throughout the year. Please take time to look at the report card and see areas where your child could use some help. Please sign and return the report cards  by Friday.

One area that needs some work class-wide is number recognition and quantities. Please work on this skill at home.

            Happy New Year! I am so excited to start off the year with Kindergarteners as sweet as these! I love this time of year because I get to “re-train” my students in everything. We have talked about rules and procedures, how to use scissors and how to use glue properly. We have had some changes in our room as well. The desks have been turned around and students have the chance to store their supplies INSIDE of the desk. It has gone very well so far. Your student is much more familiar with color words at this time of year. They now have all 24 colors from the crayon box in their bag. It has been fun to see their reactions to the different shades of green, blue, and red.
            This week, we will be working on cause and effect. The story this week is similar to Little Red Riding hood in that a small young pig tricks a fox into doing him favors instead of eating him.
            We will be learning all about the letter L this week in phonics. We will be making lemonade, lemons, and lions this week.
            Please be aware that it is cold and flu season. We have talked about germs in class, but remind your student at home to practice good hygiene and form good habits. It is incredibly important to boost the immune system by ensuring that your child is getting enough sleep. Institute a bed time and limit TV time. Be sure they are eating lots of fruit and vegetables as well!
            We will be starting new reading groups this Thursday. All children will be sent home with a book to read each night. Please be sure to have your child read the book three times to you. You may help them sound out the words, but don’t read it for them! It is very important that the book be returned to school in the bag each day. If a book goes missing, you will need to pay $5 to replace the book.
            I have started a Shoe Tying Club! If you child can tie my shoes, they will have their name in the Shoe Tying Club! I am hoping to motivate students to tie shoes by having a visual reminder. I plan to do the same with a “Pledge Club” to encourage students to say the pledge to the flag.

Grace Avirett

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